Tears Of a Husband

Tears Of a Husband

Vonayi Nyamazana is truly an amazing midwife. I call her Miss ‘Crazy not to dream’. I met her during a time when procrastination was pushing me further away from my dream of becoming an author. 7 years after I had given up, I started working with her and she made me understand that I had a story in me and that it took me to tell my story. “As long as you have something to say, you will always have a book in you” she always told me. She was able to spend hours teaching me the art of writing and how to tell my story. Vonayi would always check up on me during the writing process and constantly encouraged me that I could do it. She brought out the best in me. She made me realise that it truly is crazy not to dream, and surely the dream of becoming an author came to pass. Vonayi helped me birth a very special baby that I had lost hope in, that I never thought would come to fruition. She truly is great book coach whom I greatly recommend. Today I am a published author of a book called Tears of a Husband and I want you to go to Amazon to check out my book, the finished work thanks to the midwife herself. Thank you so much for the great job Vonayi.