Imagination Story Passion Share

Words are powerful, and writers use them to influence the world. By their words, they can bring joy; they inspire, they inform and teach. They bring relief by transporting us into another world that stretches our imagination

So you have a story to tell?

Maybe you have been trying to write a book for years, and it has not happened? You want to write, and you have no idea where to start? You have an excellent idea for a book, but you just do not have the time to write? 
I am passionate about writing, and I would like to help you achieve your writing dreams. If you are going to write a book, then it is worth doing it well. A good book is a well-written book. 

“This is how you do it: You sit down at the keyboard, and you put one word after another until it’s done. It’s that easy, and its that hard”.   Neil Gaiman

Vonayi Nyamazana

I love writing, and I can spend all day and night writing. I haven’t always written. I did not have the luxury to do so because I had a family to raise and worked full time. I wrote my first book while I was in fulltime employment, and that was a challenge. It’s challenging to find the time to write between working fulltime and raising a family. I eventually decided that if I was to finish and publish the book, I had to make some sacrifices. The solution was for me to write every Friday night from 10 pm onwards until 3 in the morning because I could have a lie-in on Saturday morning. I did this for as long as it took to finish the book.

When I finished writing the book, I realised that I did not know anyone who could tell me what to do next. I did not know about editing or proofreading. I had no idea about the book cover or where to get this done. It was very confusing, and this is what led me to help others and make their writing journey as smooth as possible.

I am a wife and mother to two sons, and we live in the United Kingdom. I am passionate about inspiring and empowering others to achieve their dreams. My first book Crazy Not to Dream was published in 2014, and I have gone on to author and co-author other books including my eBook “About writing” which I specifically wrote as a guide for writers.