You and I were created to live an abundant life free from all manner of bondage and strife. To thrive in this world, we must be set free from physical, emotional, and spiritual chains to experience this abundant life. Unlocked and Released addresses some of the hardships experienced during this challenging season by offering encouragement for today and the future.

This eBook is a product of an UNLOCKED programme designed by the three authors; the programme seeks to release women from the issues that hold them back from achieving their dreams and living their best lives. Many people need to be unlocked and released from the chains of fear, low self-esteem, unforgiveness, bitterness and controlling habits. Many are in financial bondage and do not know how to navigate their way out. Some have lost their dreams and do not know how to get back on track.

This eBook is in three parts:

  • Unlocking your heart,
  • Attaining financial freedom and
  • Understanding that you are more than what you think you are

Each part details how one can become unlocked and released to walk free and live a fulfilling life. We know that Jesus came to set us free, and if the Son set us free, we are free, indeed. (John8:36).

Faith is crucial for us to look beyond our circumstances and believe that God knows exactly where we are and that He is ready and willing to release us and bring us to a new place of liberty and freedom.

This ebook will change how you see yourself and transform your life, setting you on track to living your best life.